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Dedicated to transforming lives through the healing power of Nature
The Gardens of Hope is a nonprofit tax-exempt organization classified under IRS
section 501(c)(3). Taxpayer Identification number: 92-1896825
Legal name: Gardens of Hope.


As a Gardens of Hope donor, you will be able to see first-hand the benefits of your
contribution to the lives of countless individuals. You will witness the transformation of
our community through access to educational resources, better healthcare outcomes,
and the creation of a nurturing and sustainable environment. Your contribution directly
impacts the well-being and future opportunities of our community members. You are
invited to become part of this incredible journey.
Joe Grumbine, CEO of Gardens of Hope


Educational Programs: Your donation will help us develop and maintain educational
programs that teach sustainable gardening practices, healthy living, and the profound
connection between nature and well-being. These programs benefit local Veterans,
disabled and mental health patients, schools, community groups, and individuals
seeking to enrich their lives.

Healthcare Resources: Your support will enable us to offer horticultural therapy
sessions, counseling, and other healthcare services to those in need, particularly
Veterans, disabled, and mental health patients.

Growth and Accessibility: Your contribution will help us expand our facilities, ensuring
that more people in Perris Valley can access our Programs, including creating
accessible pathways and facilities for individuals with mobility challenges.

Sustainability: Your donation will aid us in maintaining the gardens, ensuring they
remain vibrant and welcoming space for healing and growth.

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