The Community here at “Healthy Living” is starting to grow and as promised, we’re just about to launch our Podcast. We have a number of guests already booked and we’re working out scheduling details,
Upcoming Guests include:
Fred Smith
Tan Carmichael
Cassie Higgens
Richard Mccuen
Lora Roberts
Liz McDuffie
Deb Harvey
Bobby Rodrigo
Dr Denise Cantin
Jeffrey Raber PHD
We’re still working out the platforms that the show will be featured on and as this community is growing so will our reach.
We will be featuring live podcasts as well as archiving all shows.
We have a wide spectrum of topics and guests. Any aspect of healthy living involving mind, body or spirit is welcome in this community.
We welcome professionals and small businesses to talk about your experiences and showcase your business. We will also welcome live callers and field questions from guests.
If you’re interested in participating in the show as a guest or helping with production or have a platform to add the show to please Sign up here