Hi, there! I know our blog has been quiet lately, but I think it's time to give an update. We got our 501c3 status in February; it's been full steam ahead since then. We set up nine raised beds and planted beets and carrots to be used by a local juice company (hoping soon to have a formal announcement.) We received several donations to help our project grow, including shade cloth for our shade house (seedling nursery), Seeds, pylons and lumber for a trellis in our hugelkultur, Irrigation parts, and hose, Paint and bricks to make plant ID signs, a pool pump to get the pool back in shape, and the artwork for our logo above. We're so very grateful for the early sponsorship, and we'll be creating some gratitude certificates and T-shirts very soon.
As a 501c3, we rely upon sponsorship and donations to bring therapeutic horticulture and education to the community. We're currently building a series of workshops, a vermicomposting demonstration, a retreat, and a sensory garden to offer. In addition to cash donations, we are grateful for donations of tools and implements for the gardens and any item that could be auctioned to raise funds for operation. We're setting up an eBay store to auction items we cannot use at our current location. We got our bank account, and Paypal set up and are grateful for the donations received to get started!
As a 501c3 private foundation, we rely upon volunteers and offer opportunities to volunteer for community service and other requirements. We're very grateful for all the volunteers who have blessed us so far and helped plant, clean, build, and even shoot some drone footage!
We're currently booking volunteer dates, so let us know if you want to become a part of this legacy work!
So this is the snapshot, but there is so much more in the works. I'll be posting more soon. I am so very grateful to everyone that shares this dream!
Joe Grumbine